This project was a very special project to work on. I met Corinne at running club on a wet Thursday night, and she emailed me asking whether I could make some biscuits for an event her charity was organising with the RSPB in London. She wanted the logo of the charity, The Cameron Bespolka Trust, (cameronbespolka.com). Go and have a look at their website, they are doing so much in Cameron’s name to support young bird watchers.
The logo of the charity is the Great Grey Shrike, which funnily enough, isn’t an easy cutter to find! I was able to get a bespoke cutter made from the charity’s logo and ended up making about 300 Great Grey Shrikes! I was incredibly lucky to be invited up to London to the Mall Galleries where The Society of Wildlife Artists Annual Exhibition was taking place, it was a delight to watch the biscuits be handed out and the comments I received both during and after the event.